Tag Archives: debate

Colloquium: Little Busters! Episode 1

“We vanquish evil and deliver justice! They call us, ‘Little Busters!'”

-Kyousuke Natsume, Little Busters Episode One

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Filed under Colloquia, Episodics, Little Busters, Little Busters

Colloquium: Mysterious Girlfriend X Episode 6

Come on, pretty baby, won’t you talk with me?

bitmap: Hey all, it’s time for this week’s Mysterious Girlfriend X post! As for why my name’s in bold like that, well, this is a special post. As you can tell from the title, this week’s post is actually a colloquium, and thus, the amiable pair of ajthefourth and vucubcaquix will be joining me this week with a conversation on Mikoto and Akira’s relationship!

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Filed under Colloquia, Episodics, Mysterious Girlfriend X, Mysterious Girlfriend X

Colloquium: Usagi Drop


vucubcaquix: I’ve heard rumblings that the ending to the anime of Usagi Drop came off as weak, however, I don’t think that it was. With its focus on loose teeth and where an adult’s free time goes to once they become a parent, Usagi Drop ends with the same light touch that was characteristic of the adaptation as a whole. With this light touch and its subtle characterizations, the show lent itself to long discussions late into the night over various forums about the actions, decisions, and attitudes of its various characters. I will have to note here, that we may touch upon the manga that Usagi Drop is based on, which means addressing the controversial ending. Here’s a spoiler warning for those who don’t wish to be affected by the manga’s ending. Continue reading


Filed under Colloquia, Reviews, Usagi Drop, Usagi Drop

Colloquium: “The Kiss” in Mawaru Penguindrum Episode 5

"I want to remain as Daddy's precious treasure, for now."

ajthefourth: One of the most enjoyable things that this current season’s series Mawaru Penguindrum brings to the table is its style.  From the opening moments of the first episode at Himari’s bedside, to the explosion of energy and attitude that is the “Rock Over Japan” transformation sequence, Penguindrum slickly bombards its audience with style.  Behind this presentation lie various allusions to art, literature, religion, philosophy, and various other thematic elements that tie in with the story.  It’s not necessary to know all of these to enjoy the series, but for people like me and my blogging partner, it allows us to geek out at the various references.  A prime example is the use of painter Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss” as shown in a scene from the series above and, since there was no new episode this past week, we’re going to share some of that geekery with you.

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Filed under Colloquia, Editorials, Episodics, Mawaru Penguindrum, Mawaru Penguindrum, Mawaru Penguindrum